Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day Three...

Day three of my low carb diet

I've lost my will to live. My "all the bacon and eggs you can eat" high is gone. My house is bereft of sugar, flour, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Freezer burned won-ton wrappers are starting to look yummy to me. I've been straining my brain trying to figure out how to make chocolate out of Splenda and pork rinds (please forward your recipes). My kids have taken to eating their PB&J in their rooms out of fear. But I did have a break through today- I was able to get my wedding rings on...

1 comment:

ScrappyTams said...

Push through the pain, err- hunger/cravings. What do I know. I have been on the "if I feel like it than eat it" diet since July. Not working very well in the weight loss department or even the weight management department. But I do feel emotionally satisfied.